practice feeling good

holistic health coaching using integrative nutrition and mindfulness to help you feel your best - certified by IIN

What to Expect

  • We meet for a 15 minute intro call (on the house). This allows us to make sure we want to work together, and to establish your needs to develop your personal program.

  • We meet one on one to dive into lifestyle, habits, and nutrition. We’ll come up with tweaks to make; big and small.

  • We create a comprehensive plan for how you can move forward with your health plan, and we determine how frequently we want to check back in.

Meet Coach Caroline

After a long career as an HR executive, I became known as a “corporate granola head” because of my passion for wellness and personal improvement. This inspired me to obtain my IIN certification in 2019. At the core of it, my career has always been about helping people achieve their goals, and Coach Feeling Good was the natural next iteration of that, taking my passion for health to help my clients feel and be their best.

Also, I strongly believe that wellness doesn’t mean giving up enjoying food or having fun. Have your cookies and eat them at a concert too!

Kind Words

  • Kevin W.

    “I'm not really looking for theoretical or biological nutrition and wellness theories. I'm looking for practical advice and Caroline gave me a lot of that. Tips about everything from how to eat right at work to how to dampen my phone to how to sneak in a good workout. Caroline explained it all to me. The best part - she's smart, funny, and non-judgmental. You're gonna love her!”

  • Brian C.

    “I sought out help from Caroline to identify the root cause of a rapidly worsening health problem affecting my daily life and limiting my ability to leave my home.

    She listened to my concerns, built a plan that not only worked to identify the cause of my ailment, but also developed a set of longer-term goals for me to strive towards. The results of her guidance gave me immediate relief of my health issue, while building confidence in myself to set achievable goals for continued success of preventing a recurrence. Her work built the foundation for my new health and wellness journey.”

  • Stephanie K.

    “I really liked that Caroline approached me as a unique individual. She really took the time to listen, understand and to help me develop and sustain positive health practices making me feel successful even when I was being hard on myself.”

  • Elsie M.

    “Caroline has a passion for people and health and takes an individualistic approach to coaching. She believes in healing your whole self and not just your physical body. She was able to address the many factors that were affecting my food choices and overall health. Caroline holds you accountable in a safe and non-judgmental way. She is authentic and as real as it gets!”